Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a medical treatment that involves using a concentrated form of a patient's own blood platelets to promote healing and tissue regeneration. It begins with a small blood sample taken from the individual, which is then processed to isolate the platelets rich in growth factors. These platelets are subsequently injected into the targeted area, often used in orthopedic and sports medicine for conditions such as tendon injuries, osteoarthritis, and muscle strains.

The benefits of PRP therapy lie in its ability to accelerate the body's natural healing processes, reducing pain and inflammation while potentially speeding up recovery and promoting tissue repair. Since PRP uses the patient's own blood components, it carries a low risk of adverse reactions or allergies. It is considered a minimally invasive and safe option, offering a non-surgical approach to treating various musculoskeletal issues. However, the effectiveness of PRP may vary depending on the specific condition and individual response.

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