The Answer to A Lot of Your Problems

Over the past several decades, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has continued to make its way to the forefront of medical science. Dr. Jill Flaxman, at Natural State Pain and Wellness Clinic, believes that HRT is one of the most accessible tools to help patients get back on the road to good health and wellness.

In general, HRT is the method used to treat the symptoms of menopause and other hormonal imbalances in both sexes. More specifically, custom HRT is a method of providing specific hormones (which often involves combinations of hormones) in the exact dosages required to meet a patient’s uniquely individual needs.

All HRT administered at Natural State Pain and Wellness Clinic is followed up by continuous monitoring, repeated titration of hormonal levels, and evaluations to provide the necessary safeguards and most efficacious dosing possible.

Produced by the major endocrine glands (pituitary, pineal, thymus, thyroid, adrenals, and pancreas) as well as within your sex organs, hormones are your body's chemical messengers. They travel throughout the bloodstream to specific tissues and organs, where they work at varying speeds, inducing many different physiological processes central to which are: growth and development; metabolism; sexual functions; reproduction; and mood.

Furthermore, the male testes and the female ovaries produce largely gender-specific hormones, which perform an expansive range of functions. Collectively, these powerful chemicals are required in only miniscule amounts, yet incite major changes within cells, tissues, and organs throughout the body. The addition of too much or too little of a certain hormone can have serious consequences. For this reason, hormone therapy should only be conducted under physician supervision, after laboratory tests have been used to accurately measure your hormonal levels.

How Hormone Replacement Works

Hormone replacement therapy is the method used to treat not only the symptoms of menopause or testosterone deficiency, but all other hormonal imbalances as well. A hormone will only act on a part of the body if it ‘fits,’ and can therefore be thought of as a type of ‘key’ Its target site (such as a cell) has specially shaped receptors which are analogous to ‘locks’ on their cell walls. If the key (hormone) fits the lock (receptor site), then the hormone will work by impacting the target site (cell), and altering the function of its tissue and/or organ. The primary affected glands include:

  • Pituitary gland - inside the brain, oversees the other glands and keeps hormone levels in check. It can also bring about a change in hormone production somewhere else in the system by releasing its own ‘stimulating’ hormones.

  • Thyroid gland - inside the neck, controls the rate of metabolism.

  • Parathyroid glands - inside the neck surrounding the thyroid gland, control the level of calcium in the bloodstream.

  • Adrenal glands - atop each kidney, make a number of different hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol in times of stress, as well as sex hormones.

  • Pancreas - inside the abdomen, an organ of digestion which makes insulin to control the amount of sugar in the bloodstream.

  • Ovaries - inside the female pelvis, make female sex hormones like estrogen.

  • Testes - inside the male scrotum, make male sex hormones like testosterone.

The goal of HRT is to optimize function, prevent morbidity with aging, and to enhance quality of life. With proper modification, adjustment, and titration by an experienced anti-aging physician, the benefits of HRT far outweigh the risks. 

Restoring Hormonal Balance

Millions of women, from every age and background, experience some form of hormone-related health condition during their lifetimes. For many women, help comes in the form of hormone replacement therapy.

Natural State Pain and Wellness only uses bioidentical hormone products- which means they have the exact same chemical structure as naturally occurring human hormones. Consequently, your body recognizes them and allows them to mimic the function of the hormones the body produces on its own. HRT may be useful for relieving the symptoms of a variety of conditions common among women of all ages, including:

  • Menopause

  • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Irregular menstrual cycle

  • Moodiness

  • Hot flashes

  • Postpartum depression

  • Decreased libido

  • Weight gain

  • Vaginal Dryness

  • Painful sexual intercourse

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Night sweats

HRT replaces deficient hormones with those that are chemically identical to those that the body naturally produces, but which have declined due to aging or illness. HRT has improved the quality of life for millions of men and women who suffer from hormonal imbalance. The ideal process for achieving hormonal balance includes: an assessment of hormone levels by Dr. Jill Flaxman, a complete evaluation of signs and symptoms; replacement of the deficient hormones in the most appropriate dose via the most effective route; and the monitoring to fine tuning of therapy. 

The uniqueness of each person makes it incumbent upon health care professionals and patients to work together to customize hormone therapy which is why Dr. Jill Flaxman pledges one of the most communicative and engaging programs in the state. If you are interested in learning more about HRT, call Natural State Pain and Wellness Clinic or request an appointment online, today!